
Apply As Instructor

Join us as a proud instructor and earn money hassle free!

You can be in proud Instructor and earn extra money by selling your courses in Advance IT BD. If you think that you have proper and required knowledge and skills, feel free to apply to become an Instructor.

Keep in mind, selling online course is not our main goal, we also working to create better eLearning environment by offering an effective solution for career development and help students to achieve their career goals.

become an instructor of advance IT BD

Benefits of becoming an Instructor

There are few benefits of becoming an Instructor in Advance IT BD. Just join as Instructor and discover your potential.

Earn Extra Money

When your course will be accepted by us, students can discover and purchase your courses from our site easily. You can earn money each time when someone purchases your courses.

Stimulate students

Help students to take their careers to next level by sharing your valuable knowledge and skills. Be passionate about your teaching on the different topic and stimulate students to achieve their learning goals.

Get support

Don’t worry! We are here to support you to create a course. You can also join our community to take advantage of your online teaching. If you need us, feel free to reach us at community or contact us directly.

How to become an Instructor in Advance IT BD

To become an instructor in Advance IT BD, you have to complete simple three steps below

Please login to send your request!

Be ready for Knowledge sharing!

First of all, you have to choose your course topic. Teach students what you know, skilled in or love to teach. If you already choose or decide course topic in your mind, please apply now to be an instructor at Advance IT BD. We will include you in your instructor community. There are lots of students eagerly waiting for your course to start learning with your better teaching.

Be loyal about rules to become an Instructor

We have very simple rules mentioned below:
  • Your course must have to be effective to students and maintain quality to make your students skilled in your course topics and achieve their career goals.
  • You have to be supportive to your students to help them about their problems and learning.
  • We have an active community for students and instructors, you have to be active participants in the community to discuss your student's problems and provide them better real-life solutions.
  • You can't republish your course anywhere which you created or selling in Advance IT.
  • Audiovisual of your course must have good quality so that your students can watch and hear it properly and hassle-free.

Have any more questions? Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page and Terms of Services for more details or Contact Us.

Create your course

Get started
Create your course on your chosen topic to create opportunities for students to achieve their career planning and goals by better learning and your guideline.

Get students

Start sharing your course
When your course is live on our site, share your course with your family, friends, and followers. You can also use the social media to promote your course to anyone. Our guideline may help you to find your course in the search engines.