Freelancing and Online Outsourcing from Bangladesh
Outsourcing from Bangladesh has a great potential and an enlightened future. Many buyers from all over the world are now depending on Bangladeshi freelancers. The qualities of their work, sense of responsibility, honesty and commitment have secured a much secured position in the field of outsourcing.
About Freelancing and Online Outsourcing from Bangladesh:
Sources say that there are about twenty million educated persons in Bangladesh who are starving for employment. For them, outsourcing can be a blessing. When garments industry saw its root in Bangladesh in 1980s, it became very popular to investors. The main reason behind their interest was the low rate of labor and set up cost. So Outsourcing from Bangladesh can be a blessing through removing unemployment from country. After garments sector, freelancing and outsourcing are probably the strongest money earning tool. It will help largely in reserving foreign currency.
A great support is being provided from the part of the government of Bangladesh in order to flourish the outsourcing industry. Various steps have been taken to pave the way for secured outsourcing career. Lots of goals and initiatives have been taken not only in individual level but also by public private partnership (PPP). If this positive environment continues the day is not far away when Bangladesh will score the highest position in this field of Outsourcing from Bangladesh and freelancing.
One of the major problems in Outsourcing from Bangladesh of entrepreneurs of countries like Bangladesh is their lack of capital. But an IT outsourcing entrepreneur does not need a huge amount of investment. Even, one can start one’s IT outsourcing business or job only with a computer and an Internet connection. In this field, the financial investment is partly replaced by some abstract qualities like honesty, skill, commitment, efficiency, communication etc. So start dreaming your happy future with a very little investment!
Outsourcing from Bangladesh for Bangladeshi people has become a great source of earning from Internet. Now a day many buyers from countries like America, England, Australia, Canada, Germany and many others are anchoring their boats on the shore of Bangladeshi freelancers. Basically, they are outsourcing many of their Internet or computer related jobs. You need the skill to do the task and a skill development center for attaining the desired skill. But, finding an effective outsourcing training center in Bangladesh is really tough. In the middle of many, selecting the one that can serve your desire and assure your quality and growth, you may feel it difficult.
So why do these buyers depend so much on Bangladeshi freelancers? Just think. The wage rate of workers from developed countries is generally higher. But, in countries like Bangladesh clients can get their tasks done with a lower wage rate. For instance, if you use an American worker for your task, you have to pay him at least 20 to 30 USD per hour. But the buyers can get the same task done with a qualified Bangladeshi freelancer only for 5 to 10 USD. Is not it a handsome amount for a Bangladeshi freelancer? You will also be amazed to know that with the efficiency, honesty, labor and talent of the freelancers, Bangladesh has secured the third position in the world of outsourcing.
People who are looking for Freelancing training Courses in Dhaka need to decide the best place that can assure their growth and secure their online career. He or she must not be motivated by the empty jargons of low quality training centers. There should be no compromise regarding quality. Advance IT BD providing best outsourcing training in Dhaka Bangladesh to bring revelation in outsourcing from Bangladesh. One thing must be remembered that outsourcing from Bangladesh is not an online money making mechanism only. It is rather a collective effort to develop the economy and reputation of our beloved motherland.